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You've taken a great step to improve your chances of always having work...

I’m guessing you want results, and you want to get them as quickly and easily as possible.

Clearly Creative Career Builder is definitely going to improve the way you present your skills and experience.

And it’s going to be quick and easy for your potential employer to scan through to find out if you’re right for the job.

But are you one of those people who wants to take things to the next level?

  • Do any of these sound familiar?

  • You know there are jobs out there - but where?

  • You know how to look for work, but you don't have a solid plan to follow.

  • A lot of work comes from referrals, but you don't like to ask for them.

  • It’s enough to make you give up.

    But you haven't...

  • "This course improved my cover letters dramatically!"



    "I honestly only started hearing back from employers after using the tips in the Application Modules and I am now thankfully employed.

    Definitely a good purchase and if you feel at a loss when trying to get into the industry this will serve as a good stepping stone."

    Learn the classic mistakes so many people make in their covering letters which kills them dead

    How to make the covering letter work harder for you

    A strategy for keeping in touch with employers that will keep you in work

    How to show you’re a problem solver who's going to work 

    Here's how Chris benefitted from

    the Application Modules Content

    "I've taken your advice about writing a good covering letter, and I'm getting a much better response from my applications as a result.

    Many more of my applications result in the employer viewing my Production Base profile because I'm doing the things you suggested.

    Thanks for your hard work on this - putting your advice into practice has really improved my job chances."

    Chris, Producer

    Let’s cut to the chase

    You just want to know how much. Let frame it this way; how often do you buy lunch out without a second thought?

    Because if you order now, you can get everything mention above for the cost of a sandwich – just £19 extra.

    Crazy, right?

    There’s no catch. I can promise that the tips you get inside will have impact.

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